Tuesday 1 May 2012

Draft statement 3

So after contemplating whether or not the statement should or shouldn't be a lyrical quote, or a very short statement for more interpretation, or whether I should us the draft and re work some of the ideas that I have written I've come to the conclusion that to really appreciate the work I have done I should use a statement that is both informative and uses the lyrical quote from the moral sentiments that I really like.

I've had a go with In Design with the text since it seems to be able to handle more than Word. (Book sessions have come in handy!)

Here is what is written in the file:


“To what purpose is all the toil and bustle of this world? What is the end of avarice and ambition, of the pursuit of wealth, of power and pre-eminence? Is it to supply the necessities of nature? The wages of the meanest labourer can supply them. What then are the advantages of that great purpose of human life which we call bettering our condition?”
Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Edinburgh, 1759)

There is an anxious nature which surrounds today’s society; of status, wealth, power and value. Provoked by redundancy, recession, retirement, promotions and housing, this anxiety is real. “Condition” explores one fundamental aspect of this anxiety - housing. Using societies search for a reality that does not exist as a theme through the images; an augmented reality that we thrive for to progress and make our lives ‘complete’, ‘better’.

“We want houses to shelter us of course, but there’s also a desire to show that we can do more than just survive, that we’re ‘better’ than this - and use property to show off power and influence.”
Alain De Botton

The house, the home - are spaces of shelter associated with security and ownership, yet this worry, that we are in danger of not conforming to the success laid down by society is a frightening reality that effects the population. The notion of the surreal, uncanny and the unseen are main themes in this project. I have explored what is not visible, yet holds society hostage in so many ways.

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